Friday, July 9, 2010


Hi Everyone:
Its been several months since my last posting. This spring I finished my coursework in a long and adventurous Doctorate program. The good news is that I am rested and ready to start working again in my studio this summer.

I just got home from an eleven day journey to the Pacific northwest. I drove from San Diego to Neah Bay Washington and then to Birch Bay and finally Seattle. During this journey I was able to explore places I have never been before. My time in Neah Bay on the Makah indian reservation was by far the most profound and will be the launching point for my next series of work. The Makah indians lived by the sea and I am filled with imagery that will no doubt we sea worthy. I was also able to get closure for my heart at this special place. I processed my divorce this year and am happy to say that I am moving on into the spring of the other half of life.

That said, I hope to be posting more regularly from this point forward and thank you for reading my blog for the past two years. I hope to fill the pages up this summer with with new images and new beginnings for a new life full of a bright future and happiness.

The video I am posting is one I made while visiting my sister in Birch Bay on fourth of July. If you ever get the chance to see Birch Bay make sure it is on the fourth when the whole community lets off fireworks for hours around the bay. I felt like a pirate that night. What an incredible experience.

The video is about the rhythm of design and I made it for a job interview! The things we do for love!