Joan’s work is best described by art critic David Betz, as
“sensual organic abstract painting”. Born in Arlington, Virginia,
her formative years were spent playing in the wooded areas and creek beds that
surround the Potomac River basin. Joan’s iconography is based on
objects she finds in nature that she calls "earth
Earth objects are small pods, acorns, and various parts of trees and
plants that she finds while walking on the C & O canal. Her work
has undergone a steady stylistic evolution in recent years and she has
developed a painting technique that she calls image
Image archaeology is a painting technique whereby you dig or carve
into the surface or ground of an image area to create texture. A more
formal definition was developed during her doctoral thesis exhibition at George
Mason University for the exhibition titled "Painting Anthropology".
im-age ar´chae-ol´o-gy™, [im-ij]
[ahr-kee-ol-uh-jee], n. 1. The systematic recovery by artistic
methods of imagery within the ground of a painting. 2. Digging into
the surface ground. 3. The space between the figure and the ground.
4. The constant search for the middle ground. 5. Projected
thought that culminates into a work of art.
As an M.F.A. student in painting at the University of Maryland,
Joan had the privilege of working with Anne Truitt who greatly
influenced her work with color and the studio working process. She holds a
Doctor of Arts from George Mason University in Art Education with an emphasis
in design and design thinking.
Joan spent 18 years teaching art, design and visual communications
in higher education. Her design work extends multiple decades culminating into
the corporate world as a user interface designer creating complex pattern
libraries for large software interfaces.
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